Success Rates & Stories

Success Rates | Olive Fertility Embryo Transfer Results

CFAS compliance logo 2023

IVF results for Olive Fertility Centre are consistently above posted national averages in all age categories.


The Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society (CFAS) certifies that the format in which this Centre presents their IVF data complies with CFAS standards. In doing so, this IVF Centre demonstrates a commitment to clear and easily understood patient communication concerning treatment outcomes.  For more information on the CFAS Compliance Seal, please click here.

Your estimated chance of success with IVF will be individualized by your Olive physician at your consultation.

The following rates are all achieved with transferring a single embryo (SET, not multiple embryos) and using the patients’ own egg (not a donor egg).  

The Olive team performs many more frozen embryo transfers than fresh embryo transfers. Your Olive physician can discuss the advantages of frozen embryo transfer with you.

Stories to inspire

Breann and Dave

Our story began in 2012 when we decided it was the right time to start a family, at the time I was 27 and my husband 32. We tried on our own for about 10 months then saw our GP to run some basic tests to see if anything obvious was going on that was preventing us from being pregnant.

Tiffani and Anthony

My husband and I started struggling with infertility issues in 2004. I had been diagnosed with PCOS. I had many issues with ovulating and having periods with this condition so conceiving on our own wasnot working.

Tracy and Matt

My husband and I started trying to grow our family soon after we got married. After 8 months of trying and no success, we were referred to the fertility clinic and took some preliminary tests. It turned out that I have PCOS and was rarely, if ever, ovulating.

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