Navigating the Path to Fatherhood for Gay Male Couples through Surrogacy and Egg Donation

Dr. Beth Taylor


Many gay male couples see us to having children together.  Here are the steps in the process:


  1. Consultation with a physician (usually me). Prior to the consultation we will usually ask you to have a semen analysis and basic blood work.  At the consultation we’ll review your medical history and the test results and outline the process.
  2. Get eggs: eggs can be from someone you know (a known or directed egg donor) or from a bank. Depending on the source, eggs cost between $20-50,000.  The higher price would include a “guaranteed live birth” with a refund if a live birth does not happen within a certain number of eggs.
  3. Screening as sperm donors.  Health Canada ( ) requires (much like the FDA in the USA) that people whose sperm or eggs are being used in a surrogate first be screened as “donors.”  This screening involves a visit to the clinic for: another blood test, urine test, physical examination, review of questionnaires about your genetic and medical history and a sperm collection. The sperm is frozen for future use to fertilize the eggs.
  4. Embryos are created. The sperm is thawed and used to fertilize the donated eggs. Embryos are created.  The embryos are frozen. They can be frozen as they are, or they can be biopsied before freezing to test their chromosomes (called PGT-A ( )).
  5. Identify a surrogate.  Like egg donors, surrogates can be someone you know or you can find them through an agency.  No matter how you find a surrogate, the screening process is the same.  We review her medical and pregnancy histories.  She is examined including an ultrasound and check of the uterus (e.g. hysteroscopy, HyCoSY, HSG).  Blood work is completed.  She will have a psychological assessment.
  6. Complete a legal contract. You have a lawyer (we can give you names of reproduction lawyers) draft up a legal contract which is then given to the surrogate. The surrogate has it reviewed with her lawyer (independent legal advice) and all parties sign the document.
  7. Embryo transfer. The surrogate typically takes estrogen and progesterone for about 3 weeks to get the uterus ready for an embryo. Then the embryo is put into her uterus.
  8. Pregnancy!  About 10 days after the embryo is transferred into the uterus you will know if she is pregnant.


The cost of the process varies from about $50,000 up to $120,000, depending on whether a known egg donor or banked eggs are used and whether the surrogate is identified through an agency or not.

The process from 1-4 (creating embryos) is generally not too long, perhaps 4-6 months.  Currently wait times for surrogates in Canada approach 9-12 months.  Our experience is finding a surrogate is the slowest part of the process. Identifying someone in your family or community can really speed up the process.


While the process can feel financially, emotionally and physically exhausting, for over 90% of our gay male couples it ends in the birth of a healthy child.


We are happy to help.  Reach out to us ( [email protected] ) anytime at [email protected] or Dr. Taylor ( [email protected] ) directly at [email protected]