A primer for Canadian women on freezing your eggs - CBC

Back in 2014, Facebook and Google made headlines when they started covering the cost of freezing eggs for women who want to freeze their own eggs for possible use later in life.  Other companies in the tech sector like Spotify, Amazon, Citibank and Microsoft quickly followed suite.

Egg freezing is catching on north of the border. Though the actual numbers are still relatively low, the number of Canadian women opting to freeze their eggs has increased in recent years. According to a report by BORN Ontario (Ontario's pregnancy, birth and childhood registry) the number of women who underwent the procedure more than doubled from 132 in 2013 to 325 in 2016.

Canadian women have been freezing eggs for medical reasons – before undergoing chemotherapy, for example – for about a decade, but egg freezing for non-medical reasons (aka 'social' egg freezing) has been available for about half that time.  

Read the full article here.